Friday, January 21, 2011

Whole Lotta Whole Foods

I love Whole Foods. I shopped last night. Normally I don't really like grocery shopping. But shopping at Whole Foods is more of a sensory experience than grocery shopping. The produce section is amazing. Here are some of the healthy choices I made:

Individual servings of brussels sprouts and rutabagas for roasting. A mixture of Greek olives and peppers. Some of these olives will be going on top of a piece of salmon.

A vegetable mixture destined for a frittata.

Pomegranate seeds to sprinkle on a salad and in oatmeal. Pomegranates take me back to my childhood in Los Angeles. I remember the first one I ate and I was hooked. We  picked them from a neighbor's tree. The idea of buying a small amount of seeds at about a zillion dollars a pound was unheard of.

We had wonderful produce when I was growing up. Much of it came from the back yard. We had a huge avocado tree. One of my favorite sandwiches as a child was a little mayo, avocados sliced and sprinkled with lemon juice with salt and pepper. I still love it!

We had rhubarb that grew wild. I was cautioned not to eat the leaves. My mother said they were poisonous. But I loved to pick a red stalk and chew on it after carefully removing the leaves.  I haven't tasted it in years. I wonder if I still like it? And, of course, there were the random orange and lemon trees.

In later years my father, at age 78, used to pull a step ladder up to the back fence at his house so he could stand on the tip top step and lean waaaaayyyyyyy over and pick grapefruits from the tree that grew wild in the vacant lot next door.  They were delicious!

Notice there are no photos of the fabulous sweets available at Whole Foods. I looked, but did not buy. I was apparently filled with discipline and will power yesterday.

And, here's a sneak peak of some finished knitting. It's a gift for someone who reads this blog, so I am only showing a bit of it. It really came out pretty if I do say so myself. I'll post of photo of the whole thing once it can go public. It is made with yarn from Yarn Hollow. Rita, the owner, hand dyes the most amazing yarn. She is located in Michigan and her stall is always a favorite stop when I go to the Northern Michigan Lamb and Wool Festival every September.

Tonight it's early to bed with a good book on my Kindle and a cup of herbal tea. Life is good. 

A few observations:

Why do weekend days go by so much faster than week days? 

Why do cats need tons of attention when you are busy and act like they don't know you when you have time to pet them?

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