Monday, October 3, 2011


I've started this post several times. I end up either deleting it or writing about something else. I've needed to process the events of this summer and usually writing helps me do that. Not so this time. My home is my sanctuary. It is not always as organized, sparkly clean or orderly as I would like, but it is my home. It is where I get to enjoy the hobbies I love. 

At the beginning of August at 10:15 PM someone broke into my home. While I sat in the front of the house watching TV this person pried the screen off the window in the room where I was knitting and watching TV. I never heard him. He didn't get in that way, but went to my back door. Apparently I'd left it unlocked while I was out watering my plants earlier in the day.

I went into the kitchen to get some water and found my door wide open and someone running away. I screamed "Oh my God!" and closed and locked the door. The funny thing is, I still didn't get it. All I could think of was my kitty, Juli. Juli was a gift from my daughter after she rescued her from the city streets of Baltimore. I was so afraid she'd gotten out. Losing Juli is something I cannot even stand to think about. She came to me at the same time I lost my sweet dog, Samantha. She is not a replacement for Samantha- she has her own place in my heart and in my life. She's my constant companion and the sweetest kitty in the world. 



The thief took my wallet out of my purse, jars of loose change and my sense of serenity. I am still processing the fact that someone was going through my closet in my bedroom while I sat in the front of the house. I've installed a ridiculously expensive alarm system and I wear the remote panic button around my neck like a prison warden. I still obsessively check my doors to make sure they are locked.

As totally creepy as it was, good has come from it. I've always wanted to learn to meditate and what better time than now? The stress relief from my quiet time is amazing. I'm re-reading one of my all time favorite books- Simple Abundance. I'm writing in my journal and I'm working through it. In the end, my sense of sanctuary does not come from my house. It comes from the people and animals I love. It comes from books and hobbies and learning and exploring. And it is not something that anybody- even a burglar - can take from me. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Going Green

I've been a total slacker as a blogger lately. Stressful summer. Burglary at my house. Earthquake. Hurricane. But I'll write about all that later- first a few words about my latest obsession.

It all started with cans of cat food. I didn't used to recycle. I mean as in even last year. Yeah, I know that is reprehensible, but I'm just being honest. It seemed like recycling was the equivalent of a part time job. I was lazy clueless. I wasn't sure how to separate, tie up and prepare my recyclables for their journey to their new lives as journals, shopping bags and whatever it is that cat food cans become when they grow up. Then came Juli- a very spoiled kitty who only likes canned food. And I was embarrassed by the amount of tin cans I was throwing in the regular trash every week. (ssssshhhhh, don't tell on me)

So I Googled it and discovered that all I need to do is rinse the cans, and put them and all their recyclable siblings like cardboard, wine bottles and the like into the same blue container.

Easy peasy. (Keeping with the green theme- I do love a theme!)

And after that somewhat corny segue to vegetables and being green.....

I now spend my mornings drinking Green Smoothies made in my new Vitamix. This is a blender with a motor that can pull a boat, that costs more than my entire dinner at my wedding cost (it was 1971). I'm making Dr. Oz's version. I love them. They are filling. They kill severely injure my cravings for sweets and help me stick with my newly declared vegetarianism. More on that in another post.

Dr. Oz's Green Smoothie:

1 cup spinach
1 large apple
1/2 inch ginger
4 stalks celery
1 cucumber
juice of 1 lemon and 1 lime

I add some ice to make it real cold,  a small amount of pure fruit juice (oj, pomagranite etc.). I also add a bit of real cold water to make it thinner. I don't like my smoothies thick like chocolate malts. I like chocolate malts thick like chocolate malts!

Oprah says this tastes like a glass of freshness- and I have to say, I actually agree. The lemon and lime are key!

I got a mani - pedi the other day. I may be carrying this GREEN thing a little too far! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Teddy Bear Picnic

The 4th Of July means a road trip to Michigan. Every year my cousin and I pack up the car with everything we own plus her dog Boo. Boo is the best little traveler! Twelve hours in the car and never a word of complaint from The Boo Girl. 

Michigan was beautiful and peaceful and restful as always.

 My Florida cousin, Sue, arrived with her 4 amazing teenagers and the good times began. 

There were fireworks and the small town America 4th of July parade:

My Uncle on the VFW "float". He was the Veteran Of The Year 2 years ago:

And of course the Outhouse Float. It was done very tastefully in that the woman pretending to be using the outhouse with her pants around her ankles carefully disguised the fact that she had other clothes on. As I said, tasteful. (Of course there's a photo! Nobody would believe it was real if there wasn't a photo!)

The first part of the week we hovered around the TV watching the Casey Anthony trial. We were at an art store in Houghton Lake when the verdict came in. Luckily Arnie’s Art Supplies has a coffee shop with a TV. I think the jurors watched a different trial than I did. I respect the verdict, but I don't like the verdict. 

Next we played with our art supplies. We made mixed media pieces. We made collages. All day and into the wee hours of the morning we played at our artistic endeavors. 

No trip to Michigan is complete without a night camping in the woods. Well, actually, that is not true. My trip is quite complete without a night in a tent. However, the 4 kids camped by a lake with their mom and their Uncle John. They had a campfire. They made S’mores. They slept under the stars. And in the morning they awoke to find Mama Bear and Baby Bear tracks right by their tent. 

It’s rumored that bears love S’mores. And somewhere in the woods of Northern Michigan there are two bears with marshmallow whiskers.

The visit is never long enough. It is very rare that we all get together. In honor of the occasion I lifted the ban on photos of myself and we posed for a family photo. It’s amazing to look at the lives that have been created because an L.A. girl married a Michigan boy 50+ years ago. My aunt and uncle have every reason to be proud of their children, grandchildren and maybe even their niece! 

And no, I am not in this version of the photo. I was focusing the camera. I have not lifted the ban on photos of myself on the internet. 

Meanwhile, back in Maryland- somebody was not happy about being left behind while that DOG got to go to Michigan:

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Achieving Balance

I am horrible at balance. I get all wrapped up in my passion d' jour. Sometimes it's painting. Sometimes it's knitting. Sometimes it's photography. Last week I got Photoshop Elements and I am having such fun.  Here's a photo of my girl Gladys that originally included her mom and a leash:

Speaking of Gladys, I will be babysitting her next week. I can't wait because I so miss having a dog.

Back to my balance issue- sometimes it seems that life has so many moving parts. I want to exercise, eat healthy, do yoga, write in my journal, keep my house nice. And the list goes on. And I seem to be able to do one thing at a time to the exclusion of all others. But isn't life always a balancing act? Isn't that just part of the human condition? I'm not sure what the answer is. When I figure it out I'll post the secret before I forget it! 

And finally- last weekend in the mountains by the Appalachian Trail:

Mother Nature has this whole balance thing figured out. All of her parts are in perfect alignment. Mother N knows the secret of balance, but she's not talkin'. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mixed Up Media

I can jump from hobby to hobby like other people change their socks. I love my hobbies. They keep me sane, keep me calm (most of the time) and keep me feeling alive and joyful.

I love playing with watercolor pencils. I love photographs and most of all I love art supplies. I've done art journal pages in the past, and I have enjoyed it. I jumped into the deep end of the mixed media pool this week and started doing some pieces on canvas.

So much fun. I get to play with all of my art toys. Paint, chalk, tissue, printed images, stamping, ink, were flying. I even got to use a little of my knitted lace on the first collage.

Here's the first -
"When Storm Clouds Gather Look For An Angel"

 And the 2nd-
Wine And Fruit

This distraction came at the perfect time. A friend who I've worked with for 15 years was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Her life has been filled with tragedy starting with the death of her daughter in law followed by the death of her son a few years later. 2 months ago a 2nd son died. Devastated, she took solace in her 9 year old granddaughter whom she'd been raising since infancy. Less than 2 weeks ago she went to the hospital because she was having some breathing problems. They discovered the lung cancer that had metastasized to her liver and bones. She wanted to fight with any means possible, but sadly, that was not to be. Within days of diagnosis her condition deteriorated. She passed away on Monday. She was sick for less than 2 weeks. 

I cannot believe how life can change on a dime. It freaks me out to think one's life can be thrust into total upheaval in the span of a few days. Bobbi was one of the most vivacious, loving people I've ever known. We had great talks. It all happened so fast. It's hard to envision a world without her bubbly ways and spontaneous hugs. I will miss her. Rest In Peace, friend. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Three Busy Weeks

I shouldn't even bother to unpack in May. I just finished two road trips to Virginia, and I'm Virginia bound again next week for a business trip.

Road trip #1 was four wonderful days in the mountains with my friends. It's probably the most relaxing place I know. We went to the farmer's market and a wonderful art fair where I bought a mixed media art piece and a mug that still has my friend Sue rolling her eyes. It was hand painted with a sheep and the colors are great and it was soooo shiny!!!

I love this mug- it holds my whole pot of French Press coffee in the morning. And did I mention the sheep? White sheep and a black sheep.

My Girl Gladys at the mountains....still very shy, but getting better every time I see her. (Gladys has social anxiety.) This photo is not in great focus, but I love the pose. Is she not the cutest dog? Look at that face. And those ears. Silky ears. And look at those woods outside of the window. 

Next I went back to Virginia for the wedding of the daughter of some friends. It was held at the UVA Chapel and was absolutely breathtaking. I took a lot of photos but found that I had none of people once I got home. But I've got some great shots of the chapel. It's a beautiful Gothic structure, built in the early 1800's. 

The reception was held at Keswick Hall, a 5 star resort out in the countryside. A pricy place, but worth every penny if you are up for a little rest and relaxation in the countryside of Virginia.

This photo is taken from their website, because my photos were over exposed and under focused. Thinking you can learn to take photos on manual settings without practicing is not the best idea I've ever had.  Look at those grounds. Well, actually it overlooks a golf course. I'm not a golfer, but it was gorgeous. 

The next day I went to Monticello, the home Thomas Jefferson built in Charlottesville, VA. It was an amazing tour. He was a complex man. He built a complex home and had complex, conflicted views of slavery. He didn't believe a man could or should own another man, but he was afraid to free his slaves. He was as kind to his slaves as slavery could allow. He did not beat them or shackle them. But he owned them, he inventoried them and gifted his daughter with slaves at her marriage. Our tour guide, who was African American, said that it was not PC to speak of slavery either pro or con during his time. 

 His gardens, his writing, his books, his adapted inventions all show a man way ahead of his time. His private chamber consisted of his bedroom, his study and his library. It was all adjacent to his greenhouse.  His love of books, nature, writing and learning was in evidence everywhere I looked. 

It was a fabulous tour. I'm not much of a site seer, but this was well worth the price of the ticket, the shuttle ride to the top of the mountain and the waking. 

 Amazing gnarled tree at Monticello.
 Slave quarters. A family typically lived in a small one room area.

 Old time version of the cook top!
 Wine making at Monticello..... Thomas Jefferson loves his wine and tried to grow wine grapes in Virginia. He did not succeed, but others did later.

Meanwhile, back the the ranch...

The garden grows just fine without me...

It's good to be home this weekend, even if I am packing yet again. Today I indulged in a manicure, a very small amount of house work, listening to a book on tape while playing with some hand lettering techniques. 

What do you mean you are going away again? We are not amused.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Linens And Things

I am 99.9% done with a complete redo of my bedroom. I need one more day of weekend! No such luck.

I love the bedroom. It is restful and serene. I love the ivory with touches of gold here and there. I love being surrounded by lace and linens that Hannie, Mannie and Nora made over 100 years ago. I've always been so fascinated by these ancestors! I know they were very superstitious. A hat was NEVER to be put on a bed. I'm not sure what would happen, but it would be very, very bad! During a thunderstorm they gathered in a closet and said the Litany Of The Saints. In Latin. They must not have invented martinis yet! Ora pro nobis. And I am sure there were a few Mea Culpas thrown in for good measure.

Some of their lacework mounted on a surface over my bed. It still needs a frame- so this is a bit temporary and unfinished looking. The color on my walls photographed funny. It is actually a very rich neutral called Parchment. Not butter yellow as it looks here.

Tea cloth wrapped into a bolster pillow.

My grandmother's Christening gown, made by H,M&N.

New linen curtains with nice pin tuck detail. The mirror over the vanity needs hanging. 

Perfume bottles that belonged to Hannie, Mannie and Nora, plus a little cut glass vase with a sprig of lily of the valley from my garden.

I got a lot of garden work done this weekend too.....but first a look at my little lily of the valley spring in several surroundings.

I love container gardening...
Part of my shade garden area along with my dirty drought ridden bird bath. Yes, sadly, all the birds in my neighborhood are in dire need of a bath. It is my fault that they are dirty. Mea culpa. 

New hummingbird feeder. 

Part of patio area with new flowers. I still need to finish my cushions and a few other things in order to call the patio done. I need TWO more weekend days. 

And finally my one decorating dilemma in my bedroom. My treadmill sits in the corner. It is not pretty. It does fold up so doesn't take up a whole lot of space. I'm wondering if a small room screen would be better. I don't know. I think I just have to learn to live with it. I listened to a workshop about exercise this week that had some amazing statistics about how exercise affects the brain, wards off Alzheimers, Parkinisons, is good for ADD and thighs all at the same time. So maybe this little corner of the room isn't so ugly after all. The tablecloth hanging off the end of the treadmill is NOT doing a good job of hiding it.  I need to come to terms with the fact that I cannot hide it. I am going to bed now and ponder the question of how to make this corner attractive. I'll be back with a full report.