Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I work in the new home industry, so spend a good amount of time in model homes. I've never gotten used to the feeling I get when I walk into a model home. They are perfect. You fall in love with color schemes you didn't think you liked. You want to recreate this feeling in your real life. It's a great idea, but perfection is impossible to achieve. What you can achieve is the feeling of cozy and clever and pulled together.

In my quest to bring cozy into my life, it's time to address my bedroom.

I keep trying to get it right, but it either looks too stark, or too fussy.

Look at this bed from on of my model homes:

I love this room. It's feminine without being over the top. It's neutral, it looks serene and pulled together. Not much of my life seems serene and pulled together right now, so maybe this is a good place to start. 

There's no reason I can't recreate this or something close to it. There are some basic good ideas that I can follow. The trouble with model homes is they portray perfection. You never see the tissues on the night stand, the loose change on the dresser or the hair brush that you forgot to put away. Living like this is not possible, at least not in my life. But living with coziness and serenity is possible. 

Stay tuned for my real imperfect bedroom changes. 

A few observations:

My real bed will not have a tray with a bowl of plastic fruit on it. It will more likely be covered in cat hair.

I like cats way better than I like plastic fruit. 

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