Friday, March 25, 2011

Dishpan Hands

I absolutely HATE HATE HATE unloading the dishwasher. I'd rather do my taxes while on the treadmill after a 3 day cleansing fast.

But it's kind of a necessary evil, isn't it? Or is it. I've discovered, much to my very great surprise, that I enjoy doing the dishes at night by hand. Who knew that dishwashing could be a peaceful Zen moment kind of activity?

But, there are some rules. First, I must use some yummy dish soap. Yes, the price is ridiculous, but it is very concentrated. Truth be told, I don't have this $50 per gallon dish soap. I just want it. I'm using the lower octane Mrs. Meyer's Lavender scented dishsoap. Next dish gloves. Not just any dish gloves. Look at these cute gloves from the blog Little Birdie's Secrets. Check out their blog. So many cute things!

And lastly, drying the dishes with good quality cotton dishtowels. 

Result- clean dishes, clean kitchen and some quality quiet time. 

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