Sunday, April 24, 2011

Seizing The Nano Second

I've heard of seizing the day, seizing the moment. I've got it down to seizing nano seconds. This stint of steroids for the asthma has left me a bit frenzied. I cannot settle down. My brain is going about 1,000 miles an hour. Result? Projects started and some even finished!

Sock #1 almost done.

Antique linens that Hannie, Mannie and Nora made in the 1800's are currently being restored. (I love Google; you can learn anything.) Tatting, embroidery and crocheted lace are soaking at my house. Next comes the ironing.

I'm learning to make beads from polymer clay. This stuff is ADDICTIVE. There's something very satisfying and tactile about handling it!

And I am totally loving my online photography class. I've taken the camera off auto. (Yikes.) And as hard as this is to believe, I've having problems with focus. Focus is never my strong suit- unless it is 2:00 AM and I am so wrapped up in some project I forget to go to bed.

Working on the photo part of focus with seed beads.....

Any my favorite subject, Miss Juli. Juli has a problem with drooling when she purrs. The happier she is, the more she drools. I caught the teeniest bit of drooling here. She denies it vehemently. 

I was supposed to go to the mountains for Easter. I'm still not feeing 100%, so I stayed home for a quiet jam packed day of reading and crafting. There just aren't enough nano seconds in the day! And I want to seize them all, enjoy them all. Stay tuned for the reveal on the antique linen. No, I am not taking to flinging doilies around the room. That's all the hint you get!!! :) 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Half Time At The Asthma Bowl

Yup. Game asthma is on again. I think I'm probably about at half time. I can feel that it is ready to break. I'm ready for the 7th inning stretch. Yes, I know I am mixing my sports metaphors. Massive amounts of steroids make you do that. It can't be helped.

So, I worked at home today and sadly didn't get much done. Mostly I slept, which is a very good thing. I figure tomorrow is another day and I'll play total catch up all day.

I'm so excited that my new "picture" from Target has found its home in my home.

Over the kitchen sink. I love this piece. It's funky, so it deserves a funky place to live. I don't have a window over my sink, so these colors make it sing to me.

The steroids give you an exaggerated concept of what you can accomplish in one day. 

I need to read and work in my art journal and my regular journal. Journal Spilling is a great book for anybody who like journaling or art journals. Very inspiring and rich with ideas. 

I need to finish my patio once I can go outside without sounding like Darth Vader. My "Shy Garden Angel" needs some planty type company. I love her- she's getting weather worn and it looks good on her. 

I need to paint and draw and  color Easter Eggs.

But I'll probably just settle for a shower.

And the only Easter Egg I will be coloring...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More Slices Of Life

I am loving my online photo class. It makes me fell like maybe I could start to tackle some of the technical side of photography. We'll see about that- it always makes me dizzy.

This week we are photographing daily routines.

First- French Press Coffee......

I am awakened by Juli HURLING herself through the air to jump on me because clearly she is STARVING. I caught her mid leap this morning. I'm not sure where her ears are. She must hold them back to make herself more aero dynamic. 

Plan my day. I love to write in my planner with a fountain pen. I wish that everything I wrote in the planner actually got done! 

My day is not complete without a bit of knitting. These are socks...or will be. Doesn't everybody make wool socks just in time for summer? 

Nightly tummy rubs and chin scratches for her royal highness. Look at that cute calico paw with speckles of color. 

Nightly cup of tea with lemon and honey. 

Face washing before bed. I love my basket of white wash cloths. 

And once again I am fighting with my asthma. I went to the doctor right away this time, so hopefully it won't turn into anything bad. I'm back on prednisone and expect to be so wired that I'll be knitting wall to wall carpeting for the house. Prednisone does that. 

30 years ago today we lost my mom. 15 years ago today we lost our Sadie dog. April 13 is not my favorite day. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Slicing Life

I've signed up for an online photography class called A Slice Of Life. It started yesterday, and I think I'm going to really enjoy it. I don't know a thing about settings, aperture, white balance. It all makes me a little crazy. I don't know anything about composition, lighting or other things that "real" photographers rattle off like they were talking about the weather. Thankfully, that is not what this class is about. I think it's more like a creative kick in the butt to get moving, take photos and find beauty in the ordinary.

I went through my day with a different eye today. I focused more on small, beautiful (to me) details. It felt really good. It made me realize that I pass by beauty every day without even noticing.

This is a scrap piece of watercolor paper that I was testing paint colors on while I struggled with another painting. All of a sudden I looked at the scrap paper and saw butterflies! I got out my pen and the scrap became the painting.

My journal and my fountain pen on the patio in the morning. I love writing with fountain pens. 

My morning carrot juice. Yum! Look at those cool little bubbles.

My neighbor brought a bottle of wine over to celebrate the first real warm day on Friday. The wine was nice, but the label- it was so pretty! 

More proof that spring is here...

And finally, once again my hostas are fighting their way through the earth.